DJECIJA TRKA je odlicna prilika da upoznate djecu sa sportom i aktivnim zivotom i da inspirisete mlade da vode aktivan, pozitivan i zdrav zivot. Mladi sportisti starosti od 0 do 12 godina su pozvani da ucestvuju na DJECIJOJ TRCI u okviru Ocean Lava Montenegro dogadjaja u distancama koje su prilagodjene njihovom uzrastu sa naglaskom na zabavu za cijelu porodicu.
KIDS RACE is a perfect opportunity to introduce sport and active lifestyle to children and inspire youth to lead active, positive and healthy lifestyles. Young athletes between the ages of 0 and 12 are invited to participate in the KIDS RACE event at Ocean Lava Montenegro in age-appropriate distances with an emphasis on fun for the whole family. 

DJECIJA TRKA se sastoji SAMO od trcanja.
KIDS RACE will ONLY consist of running.

DJECIJA TRKA ce se odrzati 13. maja 2023. sa pocetkom u 12:00h ispred Starog Grada koji je ujedno i cilj za Ocean Lava Montenegro trku dan kasnije.
KIDS RACE event will take place May 13th, 2023, in front of the Old Town which is also the finish line for the Ocean Lava Montenegro the day after.

Naglasavamo da imamo ogranicen broj mjesta za ucesnike i ohrabrujemo vas da se registrujete na vrijeme. Registracija je moguca ispred Starog grada u petak od 10:00 do 18:00 i u subotu od 10:00 do starta trke.
Please note that we have limited slots available and we encourage you to register on time. Registration is available in front of the Old Town on Thursday from 15:00 to 18:00, on Friday from 10:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from 10:00 until the race start.

Neka djeca osjete snagu ciljne ravnice!
Let the kids feel power of the finish line!

Roditelji mogu da se pridruze trci zajedno sa svojom djecom. Takodje omogucavamo i roditeljima da trce sa bebama u kolicima.
Parents are allowed to join the race with their children. We also allow baby joggers.

Cijena: 5 € - prihodom od startnina ce se kupiti sportski dresovi za osnovne skole u Kotoru.
Price: 5 € - money collected from the registrations will be used for the providing of sports jerseys for primary schools in Kotor.

Popunjavam ove forme mozete rezervisati mjesto za vase dijete. Uplata i podizanje startnog broja ce se vrsiti u gore navedenim terminima.
By filling up this form, you can reserve a slot for your child. Payment and picking up of the starting number will be made in the times mentioned above.