
A big event like Ocean Lava Montenegro requires a lot of help from the local community and without the volunteers the event would simply not be possible.

That is the reason why we need your help! We need volunteers, anyone wanting to be part of a unique experience, fun event and agreat family.

All the triathletes knows how the presence of volunteer is important in the management of the race, but mostly helping them during their trial. In fact the banal passing of a water or a cheering will be great incentive and all the athletes will be grateful!

Veliki događaj kao što JE Ocean Lava Montenegro zahtijeva puno pomoći od lokalne zajednice i bez volontera ovaj događaj jednostavno ne bi bilo moguće organizovati.

To je razlog zašto nam je potrebna vaša pomoć! Trebamo volontere, nekoga ko želi iskusiti jedinstveni doživljaj, biti dio zabavnog događaja i velike porodice.

Svaki triatlonac zna koliko je rad volontera važan u organizaciji i pripremi događaja, ali najveća pomoć volontera je tokom same trke. Zapravo, banalno dodavanje vode ili navijanje će biti veliki posticaj i svi sportisti će biti zahvalni na tome!


What volunteers do:

  • Assist all athletes in their effort

  • Help to make athletes bags

  • Help athletes at the registration

  • Ensuring safety on the swim, bike and run course

  • Protecting the course as traffic controller

  • Cheering the athletes during the race

  • Help in the transition

  • Help at the aid stations

  • Meet other people

  • Living and discovering the event from the inside

  • Contributing to the success of an international sport event

  • Represent Kotor in the best possible way

  • and much, much more…

Volunteers, we know how special you are, so we have something for you:

  • FREE volunteer event t-shirt

  • FREE packed lunch & drink

If you are not from Montenegro and you are supporting an athlete at the event or simply would just love to be involved, please register your details by filling the form below.

Volunteers are required from Thursday until Sunday depending on which area they are covering.

Volunteers with specific assignment will receive the necessary indication during the briefing.

All Volunteers must follow organization request.
Come to the fest!

Šta volonteri rade:

  • Pomažu svim sportistima u njihovim naporima

  • Pomažu prilikom pripreme startnih paketa

  • Pomažu sportistima prilikom registracije

  • Osiguravaju sigurnost na plivačkoj, biciklističkoj i trkačkoj stazi

  • Obezbjeđuju stazu kao kontrolori saobraćaja

  • Bodre sportiste tokom trke

  • Pomažu u tranziciji (prelazu između disciplina)

  • Pomažu na okrepnim stanicama

  • Upoznaju druge ljude

  • Proživljavaju i otkrivaju sportski događaj iznutra

  • Doprinose uspjehu međunarodnog sportskog događaja

  • Predstavljaju Kotor na najbolji mogući način

  • i još mnogo, mnogo toga…

Volonteri, znamo koliko ste posebni, tako da imamo nešto za vas:

  • BESPLATNU volontersku majicu

  • BESPLATAN lunch paket i piće

Ako niste iz Crne Gore, a podržavate nekog sportistu na događaju ili jednostavno samo želite da se uključite u organizaciju, molimo pošaljite svoje podatke popunjavanjem obrasca u nastavku.

Volonteri su potrebni od cetvrtka do nedjelje, zavisno koje područje pokrivaju.

Volonteri sa specifičnim zadatkom će dobiti potrebna uputstva tokom brifinga.

Svi volonteri moraju slijediti zahtjeve organizatora.
Dođite na feštu!